



And here we are, changing from one lane to another, inward and outward changes that I cannot prevent, and not at all sure that I even want to. Detours bring a new road to my world. I am not sure if I am capable of making the drive, but the car is still moving and I feel I have been moved from driver to passenger. I have motion sickness and feel the need to just be still. Life can be so “loud” at times and I’m adjusting to the noise.

I do not adapt well to change, I never have. I like routines and planning ahead, and knowing what is around the corner as much as possible. Somewhere along the last few months the detours began to appear so profoundly that I could no longer find my way. This type of traffic was very noisy…my ears began to feel the piercing. Go here, no, go there? Is this the right way? I’m not sure this feels right? What if I choose the wrong path? So what do you do? you follow the detour signs as best you can, and hopefully reach your destination without being totally lost and your cargo intact.

I have found that on this journey, there will be some that feel the need to get off on another exit, take a different route and wish me well on my way. There will be some that leave me stranded beside the road. There will be others that continue to follow me in the same direction.  It doesn’t make them right or wrong, it means we all drive differently and need different scenery. Not everyone enjoys the busy interstate, or an old country back road, yet we all have to drive in order to reach our destination. The key is to respect the drivers….share the road… and remember that road raging never ends well.

Detours are usually for your safety, sometimes they last for months or at least until a new road is available. Sometimes the road has been damaged to the point you have to make time for repairs. It is frustrating to change the route that you have driven so long. I love the familiarity of an old back road! No surprises, and you just enjoy the feeling of home… then I realize that there is more to my journey than a familiar road, and the detours are there for a reason.

So as you see me driving down my new direction, can you throw up a friendly wave and toot your horn.. life creates enough potholes already. I surely don’t want to be one for you.

Safe travels on your journey my friends! And by chance, if we see one another stranded because of detours..may we always make an effort to pull over.