2014 in review


The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2014 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

A San Francisco cable car holds 60 people. This blog was viewed about 1,300 times in 2014. If it were a cable car, it would take about 22 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.

Goodbye 2014 – Let it Go


LettingGoBlog2014And …. there it goes, 2014 will be history in a few short days. Regardless of how you reflect on the past year? It’s done. over. Kaput. Kapooey. Out the window. Gone.

So I say goodbye to some good times, now just part of my good memories held dear to my heart.

In order to move on to the New Year? there are some things that will not be allowed to travel with me. I am making a conscious choice in “letting it go” … you may want to read my disclaimer before continuing..

Disclaimer…. This is my “whitespace” it always has been. It belongs to me… my thoughts.. my ideas.. my memories and my opinions. ”  If you find it offensive, too opinionated? or even a little self-righteous? then this may be your cue to discontinue reading.. and that’s perfectly okay too. really.”

Now, getting back to “Letting it Go”….. (sorry, I know most of you are already singing the “Frozen” song LOL)

There are some things that I need to let go, simply because they are heavy, too heavy to carry around every day..I just end up exhausted.

There are the things that just simply make me sad. Sad to dwell on, sad to think will be different. It’s not… and it is .. what it is.

There are dead relationships… I had hoped for a resurrection.. but live things don’t keep a bad smell. Cause & Effect. and required my shovel.

There are grudges that I have let go 100% – 2015 is a new slate. What others do with theirs against me? is not up to me.. or my fault.

There are expectations that I will no longer set myself up for, but focus on what is real.. today real.

There are those that I will no longer make excuses for. Your deal.. not mine. – own your own mess.

There are those opinions of others about me… frankly, they are none of my business.

There are words I said to myself that needed to be in a trash can…yeah, I bagged those up and tossed them the other day. – yay me.

There are the hurts from my inner circle that ran deep. People live with scars everyday.. it’s a reminder that you survived, but more importantly, that  you don’t want to be that kind of person..ever.

There are those friends that let me go. It’s okay.. Seasons change. People change.

There are things I didn’t accomplish in 2014.. regrets are not traveling into my new year. it’s over..gone. 2015 will have enough challenges all its own.

There are the days I thought I would just simply die of a broken heart.. but yet it still beats. (parenting isn’t for cowards)

There are those feelings that I had to own…check.

There are those feelings that I owned that didn’t even belong to me? had no business owning.. double-check.

As usual… I make no resolutions for the upcoming year. Yes, I had a few meltdowns in 2014, and I’m sure next year will have its own lot full of troubles? but I enter with an empty suitcase, room for some new things like treasures.. things that really matter.. not people or things that don’t. Sound a little selfish? maybe? but I have to own that too.

I have found that I am more of a survivor than I realized, more fragile in some areas than I thought, and way more determined than I imagined to make the most of what I have…

thanks 2014….

















The Gift of Friends


There are no greater gifts in this life, than good friends. Old friends, new friends and lifelong friends that have become a part of my tapestry. Friends are not limited to acquaintances, but sometimes include your family members also. I have been blessed with an assortment of all of the above. They are my gifts that come in many different wrappings but uniquely treasured the same. Some have a few holes in their paper, some of their edges are worn and to be quite honest, some have had a lot of their pretty wrappers stripped away. There are those that are close to perfect with tight edges in their wrapping, bows that match perfectly and paper that anyone would be envious. Yet, no matter the wrapping, the gift is on the inside, the hearts of my friends. I have included a few of gifts from past, present and future just as a reminder.. It is never in the gift itself, but the thought that will always mean so much more.


I wear this pin every single year, for the past 5 years… each bead is hand stitched in this tree. I receive compliments every time I wear it.. I smile and say “A good friend made this” which is always followed by “wow, that is amazing”.  There is a lot of care and time invested in this treasure.. you can’t replace either.


It’s a Christmas gift bag…. just a bag, but it came to me by my nephew when he was only three. It reminds me of the simple times we shared just playing and reading books. He will never know the empty space he filled with giggles and love..many years before I became a mom. He will always be little in my eyes..the same little boy who would only let me do for him…. “no, I want “neece” to do it..” I still see him covered in chocolate frosting from cupcakes, all the while hoping I could somehow manage to not mess up his clothes before his Mom picked him up… I still smile when I use this little bag.


Longaberger baskets…. I have never owned one, yet always admired those of my other friends’. This one came to me filled with more love than I could have asked for. The gift was for me and my daughter – Who knew that they would become so much more than a neighbor. Genuine, a blessing to me and my family. (I have already asked if I can adopt them)


Yes, everyone knows that I LOVE Snoopy! What a thoughtful gift that my friends know me so well. I have seen Snoopy items close to this one in stores, however, this one happens to be more special because it was made especially for me. time spent with me in mind. How amazing is it that you can be acquaintances… then through the time you share, develops into what you know will be a lifelong friendship.. Unexpected Blessings… can you say awesomeness?!!!!!

Friends1Some of my specially wrapped friends had gathered some dust. These are ones that remain your friends for life, however, life gets a little busier than you anticipated, and well.. we all do it, time goes by and you just don’t see them. How blessed I was with this gift of handmade dish cloths. Beautifully stitched, and durable – just like this friend. I know that these will last a lifetime, just as this friendship will. – Maybe you have one of these friends? Take some time to do a little dusting.. even if it is just to say hello. Our friends are our greatest treasures, no matter what season you are in.


The last photo I include came to me many years ago…. I see this gift everyday, it is a reminder that no matter how much “time” passes, this friend remains. Months on end go by at times before we get a chance to chat, but when we do? It’s just like time has stood still and we pick back up where we left off, she is that kind of friend – a timepiece, one that gives me her time, regardless. I am truly blessed to know her.

Your gift may not be pictured here from past or present, but the thought is the same.. never take for granted the gifts you receive, the friendships you receive, and the thoughtfulness in what you give to others. Some of my greatest gifts have been a kind word of encouragement, a hug in the grocery store or just a quick note to say hello. Take time to be a giver of good gifts to your friends, and never take what you receive lightly.

A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.
Proverbs 17:17







The Season of Giving


SeasonofGiving2Twinkling lights and sounds of the season fill our senses early in December, my favorite time of the year as I go about my busy day. The season of giving has arrived in full force. This year is no different from ones past, the busy time of baking, shopping and filling our calendars with scheduled Christmas events. I have always seen it as a magical time… I just love everything about it.

There are so many lists to make, gifts to buy and cards to be mailed, it is all a part of the month of December. The time seems to fly and we get really busy, often times a little too busy.

The first reminder that it is the season of giving, is that of the bell-ringer with the Salvation Army. The red kettle and the notion that a little goes a long way.  I think of it too late, but one year I will sign up for a station and appreciate it even more the following season.

There are blurs of lights as I drive at night, everything is glowing and bright, I think I enjoy the lights as much as any child perhaps. Lights of all kinds…and yes, I love the tacky decorations as well, lighting up the night, making any landscape something a bit more special.


We continue on our way enjoying every part of Christmas, entertaining friends and relatives, catching up with folks we haven’t seen in some time. Office parties are underway, a full schedule of events and our weekends are full, it’s a busy time.

I am reminded to slow down, and be more aware of the season of giving. The gifts that can’t be purchased online or in a store, the gifts that give more than their monetary value. The season of giving includes our time, the offering of peace to a stranger, or an extra prayer for the person holding the cardboard signs. It is a season to give more of ourselves than we expect to receive.

Regardless if it is a small monetary gift, a tag from a giving tree, picking up a few extra gifts for Toys for Tots, or a charity of your choice? It is the season of giving, a great opportunity to give of ourselves. What if for just this year we offered more grace and more compassion to those on our journey. December passes much too quickly, and so does the feeling of hope that it brings, here’s to finding a way to make it last much longer through the upcoming months.
