Saying Goodbye to 2017





Last year….2017 only lives in memory. Each year I attempt to say goodbye joyfully, and to others only to bid some “good riddance.”  It’s difficult to list them all, the good and the bad.. without seeming ungrateful for the lessons learned or just for the sake of sounding offensive.  The year also held so many wonderful moments shared within my own four walls. It is here that I am the most thankful and the place where I learn by trial and error most days.

There were lots of “firsts” for us.. our daughters’ Senior year was in full swing.. her first prom.. a steady boyfriend….driving herself anywhere she wanted to go.. As a momma, these were huge changes. Jointly, as parents these were uncharted waters for us to navigate. We failed and wailed on some… some we did okay.  We lived on grace many days, as I am sure we will require even more in the coming year.

A new place of worship for us as a family.

My dearest Uncle.. saying goodbye on this side of Heaven was so very hard. One day… we will make up the time.

Almost three years went by without seeing my younger brother and his family. (I still cry about that one)

Did I mention that I turned 50? That will put your life into perspective!

My closest cousins took a road trip to NC just to surprise me for my Birthday.  (I still cry about that one too)

Another great week of vacation at our favorite beach…making new friends and enjoying so many of our present ones.

I think it was a year that I watched some of my closest friends and family go through some really hard things. There were sicknesses and disease and lots of just plain old heartbreak. Emotionally, there were a lot of train wrecks out there in 2017.

There were a lot of new things that I learned about others and about myself.

There were a whole lot of people I should have taken better care of…spent more time with or just nurtured a friendship.

There were those that I should have trusted less with my offerings of kindness, less with my good intentions and basically left well enough alone.

I should have read more books this past year.

As Thanksgiving and Christmas came…. I wish I could have cherished it more.

I could have watched more Christmas movies and baked more goodies.

There should have been more snuggles with my grown girl while she was on break.

I should have spent more time singing Christmas songs

And just like that, the holidays were over and the year 2017 was a distant memory..

It was also a year to be thankful….

Thank you God,

for being with us through each of those 365

for the upcoming 365 that we will not walk alone

for the Grace we received.. .and the Grace we gave to others

for the blessings we didn’t deserve but received anyway

You are such a good, good Father to us.


Blessings to you all in the coming year